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What Could Happen When You . . .

Gina Yeo-Bennett • May 28, 2021

What could happen when you . . .

What are the whispers or sounds you hear when you silence everyone and everything around you?

How do quiet messages feel when you allow them to fill your mind, your heart, your soul?

During these unprecedented times, many of us have been dealing with the unexpected. The noise, the hurried decisions, the never-ending debates of ‘should-haves’, ‘if-only’, ‘what-if’ . . . regrets, remorse, shame? How many times have you had to tear yourself away from what you love to something you dread?

When was the last time you truly got to do what you love?

When was that time when you simply said ‘YES’ to you?

What happened when you gave yourself permission to ‘JUST BE YOU’?

I have caught myself saying "WTF" too many times since the pandemic turned my life inside out. I found myself living in fear . . . my thoughts were shackled by uncertainties, my confidence shaken, my beliefs threatened and my self esteem challenged beyond my understanding. It was a lonely, scary and dark space until . . .

I claimed the space to . . . think freely,  feel deeply and act courageously.

And so, I invite you to create a space to discover what could happen when you do? Uncover what you could do . . . say YES' . . . say it for you, say it because you believe in YOU!

By Gina Yeo-Bennett March 18, 2021
Imagine . . . what life would be like if you could B.YOU
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